12.4 Removing an additional identity

If you no longer need an additional identity, you can remove it. Any certificates that were issued as part of the additional identity are revoked.

To remove an additional identity:

  1. Search for a person, and view their details.

    See section 4.1, Searching for a person for details.

    You can use the Additional Identities (AID) alternative report to search. This report returns a list of additional identities; when you select an additional identity, it opens the View Person screen for the owner of the additional identity. See section 7.3.23, Additional Identities (AID) report for details.

    You can also view a person's details from any form that contains a link to their account.

    For example:

    • Click the link icon on the Full Name field of the View Request form.
    • Click the link icon on the Owner field of the View Device form.
  2. Select the Additional Identities tab.

    The list of additional identities owned by the person appears.

  3. Select an additional identity from the list.

    The View Additional Identity screen appears.

  4. Click Remove Additional Identity.

    The confirmation screen appears.

  5. Click Confirm to delete the additional identity, or Cancel to cancel the operation.